Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes began in 1982 through the collaborative efforts of several downtown churches and human service minded individuals. These congregations and individuals recognized that their neighbors were struggling to put food on the table and believed the community should have a coordinated approach to addressing this need. What they didn't know at the time is that their early efforts would have a profound impact on our community. Today, KLF has grown to be the largest charitable food assistance organization in Kalamazoo County, serving over 30,000 unduplicated individuals each year. With help from our community, we provide an average of 750 people with groceries each day.
Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes is an unique model. We have the capacity to store and move millions of pounds of food each year like a large food bank, but have the direct service model of a food pantry. Through six hunger-relief programs, KLF serves Kalamazoo County and surrounding communities with a focus on nutrition, equity, and dignity.
Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes will feed hungry people and engage our community in the fight to end hunger.
Respect ∙ Diversity & Inclusion ∙ Stewardship & Accountability ∙ Integrity ∙ Collaboration ∙ Urgency ∙ Service